Sunday, May 10, 2015

Farewell To The Nest, Hillsdale College

Farewell To The Nest

The Nest - 354 West Street, Hillsdale, MI
Upon my daughter Maran’s graduation and departure from Hillsdale College May 2015

Stunning speakers, (Michael Ward and Larry Arnn), punctuated the commencement festivities at Hillsdale College this year.  Maran's activities on this memorable day began with saying grace and singing  with the Chamber Choir at the President's Club breakfast. She also sang with the choir during the Commencement Program.

Our parental duties included assisting as she moved out her belonging from "The Nest", her final college home.

Farewell to “The Nest”
Whose birdies have flown   
Students are leaving
Your boughs are alone.
Soon Michaelmas comes
When fresh shouts will fall
And your walls resonate
With new singing and call.

Farewell to the chimes
From the tower on the hill,
Tolling the hours
Of each day until,
New faces appear
Both eager and keen
To take flight from the home
Which is now but a dream.

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