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Wolves Attack by Afanasij Sheloumoff with permission |
This wonderful old story was told to me when I was a small boy by my great aunt "Kitty", the daughter of Henry Clutton the architect. She would read to us from a lovely collection of books seeding at an early age in all of us children and appreciation for good stories. The poem is published in the book "A Shell In My Pocket"
There are many tales of valor
That fill out history’s pages,
They touch our hearts when they are told
And ring down through the ages.
The Russian snows have many woes
That only courage resolves,
Not least the tale that will not pale
Of Eric and the wolves.
Eric was a Cossack lad
Who loved his master dearly.
He loved his mistress and their children
One could see that clearly.
At their lovely country manse
Through summer and the fall
Eric did the chores and errands
At their beck and call.
And should the day be fair and dry
He might take the children riding,
Down to the river’s shaded rills
Where sturgeon might be hiding.
Towards the end of autumn
When leaves come flittering down,
They start to think of closing up
And driving back to town.
Their route was through the forest
Then across the barren waste
To reach the gates of Rostock,
For safety they made haste.
That year the snows came early,
So Eric went out to the barn
To prepare the troika sled
For their safe return.
The family’s trunks and travel chests
Were tied to the luggage rack,
The lunch boxes and comfy throws
Stowed neatly in the back.
The horses had been watered,
Hitched up with buckle and lash,
And the whip and trusty Mosin
Were set beside the dash.
With doors and windows bolted
And house closed for the freeze,
They climbed up on the well stuffed seat
With blankets on their knees.
Eric was the driver,
At the reins he took his seat
With “walk on” the dunga bells
Went chinging to the beat
As off they go a trotting,
Trot trot trotting through the snow,
Each horse with a breast collar
And one with shafts and bow.
The side steeds at the canter
As they slip down the lane,
Past the fields to the forest
Heading back to town again.
Morning still was early,
The sun was on the rise,
On the ridge as they go trotting on
A group of wolves he spies.
With a “Trot Hup” Eric was singing
And the donga bells were chinging
“Troika here, troika there,
To the town and to the fair,
Troika here, troika there
Leather stuffed with horses hair,
Troika here , troika there,
Omsk is just a bit too far.
Troika here, Troika there,
Long live our beloved Tzar.”
As he sang they gained the forest
Slipping down the narrow lane
Past the naked stands of trees
Heading back to town again.
But still he saw them prowling,
And then they started howling
Howling and a prowling
Keeping pace upon the brow.
The family members feared
As the growing danger neared,
And the father armed the Mosin
As he could see them now.
“Trot hup” demanded Eric
As he slapped upon the reins
And the horses strode on faster
And the blood pulsed in their veins.
Running then and galloping
They’d picked up the pace,
The yapping wolves in a pack
Started to give chase.
On they came and closer
And the master took his time,
Barrel on the seat back
He waited for a line.
Finally the lead dog
Was nearly on the sleigh
Then crack the forest rattled
The wolf yelped in dismay.
The pack paused in their gambit,
They broke to make review
But in a trice a second beast
Took up pursuit anew.
On they came and quickly
The horses were at risk,
A second shot rang out but oh!
Misfortune, for it missed.
The third round hit the target
At which the whole pack reared,
They had now learned that gun shots
Were something to be feared.
But though they faltered and held back,
Some others on the hill
Were calling to each other
And chasing with a will.
Down they leapt together
Attacking from the side,
Eric snapped his whip
And it became a wild ride.
The horses now were frantic
Their breath steamed in the air,
The first wolf leapt, the rifle cracked
And stopped it then and there.
The rest dropped back sniff him,
For a moment there was doubt,
There were only two rounds left
In magazine and spout.
The team kept charging forwards
In fear they made haste,
Before them was the forest edge
And then the barren waste.
Faintly in the distance
Could be seen the Rostock walls
With its gaudy mechet steeples
And the safety of its halls.
Onward ever onward
They surge across the plain
But leaping on relentlessly
The wolves catch up again.
“Here take the reins.” cried Eric
To his master in the back
“Let me try to fend them off
When they next attack.”
So switching their positions
Eric manned the rear
Waiting till the lead was close
And the shot was clear.
Then crack the rifle echoed
The target fell away
Slowing the accomplices
Faltering in dismay.
In a trice they rallied
As fervent as before,
Leaping forwards through the snow
Gaining more and more.
Once close enough and sighted
The rifle gave its crack
But that demise did not deter
The others in attack.
Reaching for reinforcements
Eric seized the whip
Lashing out repeatedly
He made them feel its tip.
Each snap sent one yelping
As its snout was slashed,
But threats did not diminish
For on the others dashed.
The horses were the target
As wolves came from the rear,
So Eric clambered up to
Ride postilion without fear,
Thrashing to the left and right
He kept the beasts at bay,
But some thing different must be done
If he’s to save the day.
Now half way across the plain
Eric knew what it would take,
The foes would need distracting
If they were to reach the gate.
Should a horse be taken down
It can’t be cut away,
The sleigh would stop and nothing
Could keep the wolves at bay.
So Eric jumped and ran off
With the whip in hand
Instantly the pack gave chase
Just the way he planned.
He turned on them to stand his ground
The wolves leapt on to him.
While the troika got away
They tore him limb from limb.
The watchers on the Rostock gate
Could hear the dunga ching,
They gave the signal of alarm
To let the travelers in.
The moment that they entered
The gates were then secured
Saving horses and the troika
And the family Eric adored.
There are many tales of valor
That fill out history’s pages,
They touch our hearts when they are told
And ring down through the ages.
The Russian snows have many woes
That only courage resolves,
Not least the tale that will not pale
Of Eric and the wolves.