Twenty years in the preparation, and illustrated with Colin Bailey's hysterically funny cartoons, The Illustrated Address To A Haggis in now in print.'s CreateSpace is just the most wonderful service for authors. They make putting a book together a breeze.
The book contains Robert Burns' famous "Ode To A Haggis", "The Tartan Whatnot", "The Fallen Haggis", and "Horace", some great recipes and stories and a couple of dances by John Drewry, the renowned choreographer of Scottish Country Dances. The illustrations were drawn specifically to explain the meaning of the words in the poems.
The tales are a wee bit naughty, just enough to cause a blush but nothing that could not be recited in public and grand dinners, as has frequently occurred. "Horace" is by Terry Jones of Monty Python fame, When I asked him if I might have permission to print his poem his reply was, "Permission given, I think I would like to see this gent's booklet, it sounds nice and quirky.
Having slain haggis for over thirty years and often at the Tam O'Shanter, I have featured the restaurant and the famous Chef Ivan, amongst the pages. Here we are with the entertainers.
Well there you have it, the book is on sale now! You favorable reviews will be much appreciated.
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