The Tree House Song
Up in the garden we have a tree
That’s where my dad built a house for me,
With hammer and nails
He built up the rails
So I wouldn’t fall
When the wind would blow
And fall all the way down below
Down below
And fall all the way down below.
And in the night when the wind would blow,
The tree on the hill would rock to and fro,
But the house in the tree
And the hammock and me,
Were safe, with the rail
That never would fail,
Or let me fall all the way down below
Down below
Or fall all the way down below.
The house in the tree has a roof on the top,
So the rain as it fell on the roof would stop
And not fall through the tree
And land on me
But flow past the rail
Like the wind in a sail,
And fall all the way down below
Down below
And fall all the way down below.
When I’m grown with a daughter and son
I’ll remember the tree and the hours of fun
And the house in the tree,
Built by daddy and me
With hammer and nails
And the safety rails
To guard lest I fell down below
Down below
To guard lest I fell down below.
October 25, 2004
This poem is in a collection called "The Persimmon Tree " available on Amazon

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